Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Full Swatch & Review Colour Crush Lipstick by The Body Shop

Hello gorgeous! How're you doing? Well, first I wanna ask: how many lipsticks do you have at home? I'm sure it'll be more than one, five, or even you have more than ten lip products at home. Lipstick is an important product for us, right? It's a must-have product in my pouch; the key to look fresh and pretty everyday!

The Body Shop launched 20-shades of lipstick in this Colour Crush series; consist of 4 best selling colours from previous collection and 16 new shades. This first animal cruelty free and 100% vegetarian lipstick in Indonesia has been released since October 2018 in Indonesia. The event took place in Monopoly Hotel, Kemang, South Jakarta. It was super fun; having Cinta Laura as the brand ambassador and lots of influencers there.

Back to the topic, there are some option for lipstick finish. Matte finish, glossy finish, velvet finish, and satin finish. Matte finish usually stays longer but drying. Glossy finish usually moisturizing and healthy lips, but wiped easily. As for satin and finish, they're in the middle of these two extreme finish. This Colour Crush Lipstick has satin finish, which is in more onto glossy side but with high intensity of coverage.
Product claim:
- intense coverage
- moisturizing
- sweet cherry seed oil, community trade beeswax from Cameroon, and Community Trade Marula Oil from Namibia

Size: 3.3 gr
Price: IDR 199.000

This lipstick packed in a black glossy tube, with transparent palette on the bottom. This is kinda innovative, since the palette on the bottom can be used as lip palette. The colour revealed in the transparent part is actually the same colour that the lipstick has. To use the lipstick, we need to open the tube and rotate it.
The good point of the packaging is the unique concept of small lip palette on the bottom, and also it has complete information on the tube. It has shade label, product name, price, expired date, manufacturing information, size, and BPOM number. I always love products with complete information like this.

The texture of Colour Crush Lipstick by The Body Shop is buttery and comfortable on my lips. It glides smoothly. As for the scent, this lipstick has soft rose scent which makes me even fall deeper for this one. As you know, I always love products with good scent #girlsproblem hihi.

Colours and Pigmentation

They have 20 beautiful colors, as you can see from swatches. Here's the full swatch of 20 colors. I also swatch on my hand and my friend's (Grace) with dark skin tone. This shows that the colors suits both light and dark skin tone. I'm partly agree with the claim of intense coverage. As I tried and swatch all the colors, the color intensity between shades are different. For bold colors has much higher intensity than the nude ones. Also, there's something about the black shade. I expected this one's gonna be super pigmented and has high coverage. But when I swatch it onto my lips and hands, this one's look not too pigmented. It even moves as I touched my lips. If they rebuilt the formula, I guess they can reach a good intensity for this baby.

Overall, I think the lipsticks has good values as cruelty free and vegan, which makes good impact on the environment. Anyway, I also love how innovative the packaging is, creating a lip palette on the bottom of the lipstick. We can use this palette as lip palette, blush on, contour, etc without changing the original shape of the lipstick. Zhen bang!
I also love how the product fades (on red colors especially), just like how lip tints leaving natural stain on lips. If you love moisturized lips then you might wanna get this product. If you're more onto matte shade, then you might find another products that suits you better. Well, it's your choice, babe.

Here's my two favorite shades to create ombre lips! Steal the look by trying these shades.

Thanks for reading, see you on my next post!


  1. Nomer 125, 010 sama 201 kok gemes-gemes ya warnanya pengen cobain deh.Harganya berapaan ya kak?

    1. cuss dicobain di storenya beb hihi, harganya IDR 199.000/lipstick :D

  2. Wow, theirs colors is so pretty, I'm so excited to trying this product ♡

  3. Duh kalau baca review lipstik tuh suka mupeng, apalagi ini warnanya kece-kece semua

    1. hihi karna berapapun lipstick tetap nggak cukup ya? ;p

  4. Ahh parah, ini RACUN banget!!! Kebayang kalo aku punya semua warna, pasti gak akan tidur semaleman buat ngeriview satu² saking excited nya.

    1. aww siap2 kemakan racun! ;p
      seru banget memang main lipstick ini hihihi

  5. Wush! Range warnannya lengkap banget. Jadi ingin swatch ke tokonya hihi

    1. yasss, range warnanya dari nude ampe bold. monggo ke toko ;p
      (warning dulu nih ya, don't blame me kalau berakhir dengan ngeborong warna warni hihi )

  6. Gilakk parah, ini warnanya lengkap banget. pengen cobain yang warna item tuh jen hihihi

    1. cuss dicobain hihi :3 itemnya emang bikin kepo, tapi setelah aku swatch kayak kurang pigmented gitu malah menurutku :(

  7. Awww, I'm so into no 010. It would be suitable to my skin tone.

    1. yes! the color's so pretty and it suits any skintone :3 you should give it a try!

  8. I love all the lipstick
    But the price OMG 😁

    1. Aku suka lipstik. Entah ada berapa lipstik di kamar.
      Dan lipstik si TBS ini juga menarik dan aman pula ingredientsnya. Buatku, selain merah, aku suka yang ungu ke gelap. Pengen sih,, tapi tunggu diskon dulu.

    2. i know right, but price won't lie about quality.
      tunggu akhir tahun, siapatau ada diskon natal :D

  9. Kalau disuruh milih warna apa, pasti aku bakal milih yg 905. Cakep2 banget warnanya btw

  10. Jadi galau pengen beli semuanya hahahah, duh demi penghematan mungkin aku pilih 2 saja deh shade 005 dan 601 saja

    1. waduh hihi koleksi full shades kak ;p
      nice pick btw!

  11. Duh lengkap warnanya, kalau disuruh milih warna bingung banget, tapi aku suka liat warna warna nude nya

    1. hihi iya full shadesnya cukup wide range nya. pecinta nude colors ya?

  12. Warnanya cantik-cantik banget kak. Suka aku liatnya

  13. Aaaa warnanya lengkap banget sist, cantik-cantik juga, kayaknya nomor 115 cocok diwajah aku, jadi mau coba ❤️

  14. Cantik cantik warna lipstick nya omg jadi pengen punya semuanya... shade favoritku 105, 115, dan 201 mau cobaa

    1. wah favoritnya banyak nih, calon2 pengkoleksi lipstick sejati hehe

  15. Gokil dah ada warna item segala, lengkap bgt dari nude sampe kelewat block. Yg item cocok buat ala ala metal/lg halloween yak

    1. iya setuju banget, cocok buat makeup2 unique ya hihi wish it'll be a bit more pigmented buat warna hitamnya hehe

  16. By the way, aku jadi kepengen coba yang no 605, 910, dan 905. Itu warna-warna yang deep dan 'horror' gitu sihhhh. Cocok banget buat makeup ala emo ato rocker, wkwk 😂😂
    Emang sih ga bisa dipake buat daily, tapi bisa laaaahh dipake pas mainan makeup-makeupan 😂😂

    1. hihi pecinta bold makeup ya beb? tapi emang bagus warnanya ;p
      kalo cewe mah gitu, warna apa juga bisa kepake pokonya :D

  17. Ya ampun parahh ini mah bagus banget❤

  18. Wow crazy!! You swatch all of them!! Too much beb! Too much! Mo nangis aku liatnyaaaa 😭 cakep” gt sih warnanya please, bikin ngiler mau lgsg beli

    1. hihi i was having good time playing with these lipsticks tho!
      don't cry don't be shy (kayak cheribelle) you should give them a try laa~

  19. berlimpah pilihan warnanyaaa. . bingung jadinya pilih yang mana. . ini tapi banyak yang masuk ke skintone orang indo yaaa

    1. then choose them all HAHA (ratjun mode on)
      and yes, warnanya masuk banget ke skintone indo makanya gemes banget kan kakk hihi

  20. Asli sih ini banyak banget dan bikin racun, aku suka nomor 501 deh kok bagus banget ya warnanya.

    1. ahaha sorry ngeracun! ;p wah banyak yang demen 501 hihi

  21. The body shop termasuk brand kesukaanku beb, aku suka banget skin carenya dan ternyata shade-shade lipsticknya bagus2 yaaa! suka banget yang nomer 901 dan 115! >.<

    1. wah pecinta TBS, skincare nya kamu pake range apa? hihi
      901 banyak yang suka yah ;p

  22. warnanya lengkap banget ya, asik ih punya koleksi lengkapnya :)

  23. Warnanyaa cantik bangetttt, apalagi yg nomor 901 huuu mo pingsann :(

  24. Aku suka yg japanese blossom cocok gaterlalu nendang buat anak seumuran aku hehe ��

  25. wahhh suka bgt sama foto swatchnya jelas bgtm thank you beb
