Saturday, April 28, 2018

White Rice Skincare for Brightening (Fixing Acne Scar) Does it Works?

9:09 AM
Hello gorgeous, back with me jenntan in this beauty blog! After a lot of talk about acne skincare, now I’m back with another range of skincare for brightening. Acne treatment leaves me some scars, which I need to take care of. Unfortunately, taking care of acne scar is not that easy, and takes more time than we might expected. This time, I will share a review of natural skincare created by Adoree Paris.

The Company Behind Adoree Paris
Pt. Aby Utama Nagata worked in Cosmetics trading. Running EXIM projects since 2016, founded by Byana Maharani Putri who has been experienced as distributor of skin care from Beverly Hills, decided to build her own beauty brand. This Adoree Paris brand, is also have a good quality, I believe, since they’re manufactured at the same factory as world class brand, Chanel Makeup and Dior Skincare. 

Adoree Paris Skincare Set created from natural ingredients with rice as main ingredient without additional chemical stuff, formulated specially for sensitive skin without addicted result. As anti aging agent helps to regenerate cells faster and keep skin moisturized, to make skin looks young, bright, and glowing. Taking natural benefits from white rice and natural arbutin from Moris Bombycis (OK only science people will understand this ;p glad that I was once a science student haha) which is safe for pregnant mom or even from 18 years above usage. The brand claimed to feel the difference only in three days of usage! WOW, is it true?

Here’s the steps they suggest to do :
  1. Adoree Paris Cleansing Milk
  2. Adoree Paris Moisturizing Tonic Lotion
  3. Adoree Paris Radiance Rice Serum
  4. Adoree Paris Rice Face Cream
  5. Adoree Paris Lightning Night Cream
  6. Adoree Paris Rice Face Mask
If you don’t have the range from them, It’s totally OK, me too wkwk. Just simply use whatever product you have, and use the one from Adoree Paris to combine. As always, the thing you have to remember, the brand usually tells that the product will do their best when used with the other range from the same brand. 

What I’m trying is Rice Face Cream. Containing Oryza Sativa Starch, Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract, Sweet Almond Oil, Jojoba Seed Oil, Saxifraga Sarmentosa Extract, and Grape fruit Extract. They suggest to use the product after applying serum, onto face and neck, and after that we can use powder right away or can be a makeup base. So I guess, this will be a good face primer. 

The texture of this product is creamy, and soft, which feels good on my skin. I tried onto my skin after acne treatment, it didn’t do anything about moisturizing my skin (since I’m having a dry skin after so much acne skincare :” but I’m fine with that). I just love how moist the cream is.

It has some soft scent, can’t really tell which ingredients that makes it smells so soft since never smell something like that before. I think it has something to do with the white rice extract. I have no problem with this soft-sweet scent, but I think something more intense and relaxing will be great. 

The packaging looks super simple in white tube, and also easy to take everywhere especially this little guy I have here. I don’t know if this is a trial size or travel size, but this can be a choice to take when I’m traveling. Oh, and they have pretty similar packaging with another range of the product, except for the variant writings on the tube that shows what kind of product inside it. As a user, I think something different for each product will be good. Since I only have one product then it’s fine. What if I have all their product range? This can lead to take the wrong product. Well, it’s not a big deal if I can pay more attention before take the product. 

After using it for a few days, I don’t feel significant difference unlike my expectation (since they claim only in three days we can see the result). But I do see difference where the acne scars starts to fade slowly but sure. I’m not really sure how’s the final result since I haven’t finished this small guy on me, but I think it will take some time to make it disappear (recover) completely. And some of my scar has been here for a while, so I’m not sure if it can really heal the scar. But I’m sure about it makes the scar less visible.
this is a real no makeup skin, bareface right after i wash my face.
Another thing to remember, each people have different result based on their skin condition. So what I’m writing here is based on my experience. Thanks for coming by and reading my post, hope to see you soon on my next post, gorg! 

Further info

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Perawatan Rambut untuk Pengendara Motor (Gojekers)

10:30 PM
Hello gorgeous, welcome back! Aku pengen tau, kamu sering naik motor nggak? Naik ojek online pulang - pergi kantor, atau mungkin untuk berpergian ke kampus dan nongkrong sama teman? Nah kita senasib ternyata! HEHE Soalnya aku juga sering naik motor, setiap Hari malah untuk berangkat ke kantor dan pulang ke rumah. Kadang, kalau ke kampus atau janjian sama teman juga naik ojol alias ojek online. Favoritku sih GoJek, yang produk Indonesia, dan lebih murah soalnya diskon gopay. Oke oke, mari kembali ke topik utama!

Seringnya ditutup helm, dijemur matahari, kena debu dijalan nggak cuma mempengaruhi kesehatan kulit tapi juga kesehatan rambut. Sadar nggak sih gorgeous, kalo kamu juga perlu kasih perawatan yang tepat untuk rambutmu, supaya nggak rusak dan tersakiti kayak kalo pacar kamu perhatiin cewe lain? #lahbaper. Aku mau share pengalamanku mencoba Produk perawatan rambut, yang ternyata berhasil atau nggak ya? Baca sampai habis biar tau hasilnya ya.

Nah, produk pertama dan yang Aku Udah sering gunakan Adalah shampoo. Aku yakin, Kamu juga melakukan hal yang sama, keramas setiap hari atau dua hari sekali (kecuali yang baca ini Elia, teman kuliahku, yang keramasnya seminggu sekali karena susah sekali bangun pagi dan merasa repot kalau harus sering keramas, maaf Li wkwk). Kamu pakai shampoo apa sih? Apakah Sudah tepat sesuai dengan kondisi rambutmu sekarang, dan memberi nutrisi yang Baik untuk rambut? Kalau belum, coba periksa lagi kondisi rambutmu dan cari varian shampoo yang cocok dengan kondisinya sekarang. Kalau aku, karena sering sekali terkena matahari dan dikekep helm (nggak tahu Bahasa bakunya dikekep apa), dan sering sekali distyling (dicatok dan di hairdryer bahkan di hairspray) jadi aku merasa rambut ini Perlu dinutrisi kembali agar sinarnya bisa kembali. Nggak hanya mengembalikan kilau sehat rambut, tapi juga menutrisi dengan bahan alami yang Baik tentunya. 

Strawberry Clearly Glossing Shampoo
Kebetulan Aku menemukan fitur ini di Strawberry Clearly Glossing Shampoo nya The Body Shop, Dimana varian shampo ini diklaim dapat memberi kilau alami pada rambut untuk rambut kusam dan tentunya menutrisi dengan baik. Percaya? Tentunya nggak kalau belum dicoba. Akhirnya aku memutuskan mencobanya (sebetulnya sudah aku gunakan selama hampir sebulan, sebab ini Sudah botol kedua). Tentunya sama seperti produk TBS yang lain, Shampoo ini mengandung produk community trade yakni Aloe Vera dari Meksiko. Selain daripada itu, Strawberry Shampoo ini juga 100% vegan dan bebas dari silikon. 

Size : 250 ml | 400 ml
Price : IDR 99k | IDR 139k

Aku benar-benar suka aromanya, kombinasi segar dan manis yang sempurna, membuatku membayangkan musim panas sambil memakan strawberry segar di kebun (atau setidaknya memetik strawberry di Puncak dan langsung memakannya, hmm nikmat!) Aku sangat merekomendasikan produk ini kalau kamu suka stroberi, atau bahkan pecinta aroma segar buah-buahan. 

Cara Pakai
Cara memakainya cukup dengan tuangkan sedikit cairan di tangan, kemudian usapkan di rambut yang basah sambil memijat kepala (ini rileks banget aku paling suka pijet kepala gitu) kemudian perlahan akan muncul busa dengan aroma stroberi, sangat menyenangkan! Asik banget aromanya, membuat ritual keramas jadi seru. 

Botolnya berwarna Merah dan sangat lucu untuk diletakkan di kamar mandi. Aku suka dengan warna sejenis ini, dimana memberi kesan ceria dan semangat! Memberi kehidupan di kamar mandi wkwk.

Hasil pemakaian
Setelah menggunakan shampoo ini, sangat mengherankan hasilnya. Tidak serta merta membuat rambut halus dan lembut, tapi memberi kilau sehat yang alami pada rambut. Sulit dimengerti bagaimana shampo ini bekerja pada rambutku, tapi begitulah kenyataanya. Luar biasa! Jadi serasa jadi model iklan shampoo ;p

Rainforest Moisture Hair Butter (Hair Mask)
Hal lain yang perlu dilakukan setelah rutin keramas, adalah rutin masker rambut. Dengan segala kemudahan, bahkan sekarang masker rambut bisa digunakan sendiri di rumah. Salah satu brand yang menyediakan produk ini adalah The Body Shop, yang lagi-lagi pasti kalian paham mereka menyediakan produk berbahan dasar alami, 100% vegan dan bebas silikon, pewarna, dan paraben. Tentunya dengan kondisi rambut yang sering ditutup helm, dijemur matahari dan distyling ini, rambutku jadi kering. Bukan separah bercabang dan patah dalam satu sentuhan, tapi memang kering dan mudah rontok. Sedih memang kondisi rambut ini lama kelamaan membuatku terlihat botak haha serius, mama ku selalu bilang gitu. Jadi aku berharap produk ini bekerja sebaik Strawberry shampoo tadi. 

Size : 200ml
Price : IDR 189.000

Aku Sudah mencoba pakai hair mask ini 2 kali (supaya setidaknya lebih maksimal saat memberi review, bukan sekadar first impression). TBS mengklaim produk ini memakai pracaxi oil, manketti nut oil dan community trade honey. Serta perawatan yang Baik untuk memperoleh rambut lembut, halus, berkilau dan tidak kusut. FAVORIT! Ini dia produk yang selama ini Aku cari, pikirku dalam hati. Nggak sabar mencoba, akhirnya aku langsung usapkan pada rambut. Oh by the way, percobaan pertama dan kedua dalam kondisi yang berbeda. Begini pengalaman dan sokide nya Ketan aka JennTan dalam mencoba hairmask. 

*percobaan pertama* saking semangatnya dan penasaran dengan hairmask ini, Aku langsung coba tanpa bilas atau basahin rambut. Padahal seharusnya cara pakai hair mask atau hair btter kan saat rambut setengah kering, jadi yasudah…. Jangan banyak berharap. Percobaan pertama ini sedikit membuat shock, Karena tiba-tiba kepalanya Terasa hangat gitu. Sebelumnya kalau pakai hair mask selalu dingin atau tiba-tiba ga ada rasa karna cream nya Sudah kering. Bingung? banget! Tapi aku nggak nyerah dan akhirnya memutuskan untuk mencoba lagi (cie kayak motivator) wkwk. 
First impression : Karena dinamakan “hair butter” Aku pikir produknya akan berminyak gitu dan lengket-lengket di kepala. Tapi ternyata engga sama sekali! Bahkan terasa ringan di kepala. Setelah dicuci nggak bikin berminyak sama sekali,malah enak gitu. 

*percobaan kedua* akhirnya tibalah pada percobaan yang tepat, dimana Aku basahin rambut (sebetulnya mau habis keramas tapi akhirnya nggak keburu karna harus segera pergi) akhirnya aku hair mask pas pulang ke rumah. Aku usap sedikit air pada rambut agar sedikit basah, kemudian langsung usapkan hair mask ke rambut. Hasilnya? Tidak sehangat percobaan pertama yang sokide.

Tadinya Aku Bingung ini aroma apa, karna rasanya sering tercium dan aromanya enak seger gitu. Setelah coba dicium berkali-kali dan dipakai dua kali dirambut, akhirnya terbayang juga suatu nama yang menggambarkan aromanya, cocoa butter! Susah banget inget aroma itu haha. Wanginya bikin seger, juga mengingatkan dengan hutan rindang yang ditonton di film twilight (terus berasa jadi Isabella Swan wkwk #ngarep). 

Cara Pakai
Karna Sudah dijelaskan diatas,singkat saja. Caranya usapkan hair butter pada rambut setengah kering, kemudian diamkan sekitar 15 menit, lalu bilas dengan shampoo lagi. Aku pakai shampoo strawberry tadi saat mencoba hair butter rainforest ini ya. 

Tempat hair butter ini sama dengan body butter, berbentuk tabung pendek. Sukanya, adalah produk ini mudah dicolek. Aku nggak menyarankan menggunakannya di kamar mandi atau saat rambut sangat basah, karna kalau basah gitu airnya jadi masuk kedalam tabung hair butter ini. Warna hijau muda menggambarkan cerahnya daun, dan cocok di kamar mandiku karna bernuansa putih. Suka! 

Hasil pemakaian
Setelah pemakaian kedua Aku baru paham memang sepertinya harus setengah basah rambutnya agar lebih nyaman digunakan. Setelah memakai hair mask, bukan hanya menambah kilau rambut tapi juga membuat rambutku lebih lembut dan halus. Selalu suka merawat dengan hair butter seminggu sekali, Karena rambutku kusut dan kalau disisir pasti rontok, ini perawatan yang tepat. Nggak langsung menghentikan kusut dan rontok sih, tapi setidaknya jauh meringankannya. Tadinya setiap keramas pasti kusut banget dan susah disisir (bikin males nyisir sebetulnya) tapi sedikit-sedikit jadi lebih mudah disisir karna nggak kusut-kusut banget. 

Brush hair mini bamboo
Price : IDR 69k

Sisir The Body Shop
Mudah dibawa-bawa karna sizenya yang kecil, sisir ini jadi salah satu properti kesayanganku. Kemanapun pergi aku selalu bawa, agar rambut selalu rapih. Ke kantor terutama, dan saat traveling, sisir ini hemat tempat banget di tas! Dan enaknya lagi, Aku suka pakai sisir ini untuk pijat kepala gitu. Memang aneh wkwk tapi boleh ditiru ;p serius, bikin Rileks gitu.

OVERALL : I love these products! Ohya biasanya Aku selalu berharap disediakan travel size, sayangnya hair mask ini nggak ada travel sizenya setahuku. Padahal enak banget kalau lagi traveling dan santai, bisa sambil hair mask gitu. 
Further info : or @thebodyshopindo on instagram.

Thanks for reading, see you on next post! 

Catch me at
instagram/twitter @jennitanuwijaya

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

What Is Volunteering?

5:52 PM

Hello gorgeous, how have you been? Well, I've been blogging for about two years, almost all about beauty, fashion, and lifestyle. Now, I want to share another side of me. If you're someone close onto my personal life, you must've already know that I love volunteering, visiting and sharing with those in needs. Maybe you're one of my volunteering partner, or even we're in the same organization. I've been dragged into volunteering world since I was in high school, of course by mommy who introduced the fun of volunteering. Now, I want to share to the world, how fun it is, and how good it is if you can also share to those in need. This is gonna be some kind of series on my blog since it'll be too long if I post it only onto one post. So in this first post, I just wanna share what's on my mind about volunteering. 

First, let's distinguish between three things : Community, Organization, and Movement. Those three might seem related or even similar to you, but not to me. These three are maybe related, but not similar. 

Community comes from communal, which means same. There's no commitment in here, just some kind of place where people with similarity gather. 
Moving to organization, this is one level above community. Here, they have vision and mission, structure, and even action. They started gather members of the community. 
The last level I can say, is movement. This is where the complicated area exist, since they have problem, similarity (the problem happens to many people) and of course action! This what makes volunteering happens. 

Have you got the differences between those three? They are related, oh well, there's something left!

There's value that you always forget. Collaboration and time orientation, sometimes you forget it. You often get and focus on competition, which actually less important than those two first I mentioned. If you are more into competition, this inhibits you from growing and even helping more people. 
The biggest change in volunteer works, is the change on yourself. (this is my self reflection too, actually). 

Let's identify some problems on our life, that happens not only to me, not only to you, but to lots of people! 
Here's what comes to my mind : 
1. Racist, this happens not only in Jakarta, in Indonesia, but in this whole world. Why should we bother about race while our Lord doesn't bother about it?
2. Law, well, at least what I feel here is about law which not that strong, am I wrong? I love countries like Singapore which has strong law and have dutiful society. I'd love to make Indonesia, my beloved country, to be like that in the future. Let's move our ass together!
3. Be on time, lots of people make appointment and invitations, considering the one that invites you, not only on time, but I guess will be better if possible to be before time, do you have the same opinion?

Let's grow this world into better place, just like Michael Jackson said. 
Live in this phrase :
" Love Me, Hug Me "

Catch me at

Friday, April 20, 2018

Back in Shape (for Office Worker) with Delicious Menu

9:00 PM
Hi gorgeous, how are you doing? Hope your days was well, just like mine! Well, a bit busy at office since my office getting audit this year, sorry for the delay of articles. But hey don't worry, a lot of great articles are on their way to you! Stay tunned on my blog (and social media) since I'm gonna be sharing the update with you, babe!

Staying up late at office and home, made my body drop and of course, not so healthy eating habits. Everything-fried-menu have been accompanying me for almost two weeks (and fat belly haha). Well, office workers does face this kind of situation at peak season, right? It doesn't feel right for me, so I'm trying to find something good and healthy to accompany me of getting back in shape and health condition. Well, here's my experience of having healthy menus!

1.Digestive aid
The probiotics inside yogurt balance the microflora, which can helps you balance digestion system inside your body. This is very important to me, as I'm having gastritis and need to take a good care of my sensitive stomach. Having fried rice for example, actually not too good for someone with this kind of problem. I finally substitute the dinner with plain greek yogurt by Heavenly Blush to be healthy!

2. Don't add to much extras
Adding some extras like honey, cereals, or even fruits to have a fun snack. But it is good if you add only the right amount, not too much. When you put too much extras, the snack turns into a meal with lots of calories. If you don't like plain stuff, then you might want to add some fruits like strawberry, just a little to give you something colorful.

3. Dress up is for you, not yogurt
I know how girls love dress up, or dressing something or someone up. It is surely fun and exciting to do, but please don't do it for your yogurt! Creating dish like parfait is good to those who wants to gain weight, it surely makes you feel like you eat less than the actual.

4. Meal Planning is Important
Having the meal well planned is really important, so you won't eat too much. Here's some ideas to have a healthy yet delicious meal!
Baked potatoes with plain yogurt, Boiled chicken with plain yogurt, Beef with plain yogurt, Fish with plain yogurt, fruits with plain yogurt. Why plain? In my opinion, plain yogurt contains less sugar so it's better for getting back in shape. Also, I suggest something grilled or boiled will be the best for eating clean.

Here's my favorite plain greek yogurt by Heavenly Blush. It tastes super refreshing (the sweetness and sour level are perfect combination), this always on my refrigerator and of course at my office too!  This helps me reduce eating oily foods like fried rice, kway tiau, and other. I simply eat this yogurt with some fruits at night, and I'm all sober to finish up the deadlines! Of course, no digestion problem on me. This surely helps you gain health and good shape!

So, are you ready to get back in shape while enjoying those staying-up-till-late at office? Ganbate on working your deadline, and of course, hello well-shaped body of mine! Cheers!

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Bye-bye Acne in One Month

2:55 PM
Hello gorgeous, back with JennTan again! Well, today I’m about to share about one of my journey from acne prone skin into healthy skin. You must’ve already read my post about healthy glowing skin, actually this post is one step earlier before I move into that glowing skin.

OK first, you have to see my acne prone face before using my current skincare routine. It was the perfect combination of blackheads - whiteheads - acne. Zhenbang! This happened because my poor cleansing step (too lazy to do deep cleansing and double cleansing + wrong type of cleanser/skincare I use, I guess). My mom has nagged me for a long time to fix my skin so yeah finally I decided to start having the right treatment and skincare. Oh one thing I have to say, I use makeup too often on my sensitive skin, this is one of the cause too. When you use makeup, you have to do deep cleansing (usually through double or even triple cleansing step) which I rarely do, I know I know it was my fault. Okay, enough with confession of my sins, let’s jump right into how I got rid of my acne! 

The first step, was accepting your problem (this means you realize that you have the problem, right?) I already did this one since a long time ago, so let’s move onto the next step! Second, pick the right cleanser for your skin type. When you have a lot of acne, usually your skin type is combination to oily, oily, or normal to oily skin (it have connection with oily) since dry skin won’t bother with acne problem. well, both dry and oily skin means that your skin condition isn’t normal, instead, it means your skin is thirsty (dehydrated). I’m not gonna talk much about that, since I’m just gonna share my experience here. So, I choose the milk cleanser as my daily cleanser (i used to use oil cleanser which was meant for dry skin, but still use it because I feel like it removes all the dirt and makeup till the deepest part of my skin. again, I was wrong.) 

The cleansing skin I chose was Hazelnut Cleansing Milk by Skin Dewi
Ingredients : Aqua, Hamamelis Virginiana (Witch Hazel) Water, Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil, Cetearyl Alcohol, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil,  Corylus Avellana (Hazelnut) Seed Oil, Glycerine, Cetearyl Glucoside, D-alpha-Tocopherol, Benzyl Alcohol, Amorphophallus Konjac Root Powder, Epilobium Fleischeri Extract, Salvia Sclarea (Clary) Oil, Benzoic Acid, Soybean (Glycine Soja) Oil, Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil, Pelargonium Graveolens (Geranium) Oil, Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Oil, Dehydroacetic Acid, Boswellia Carterii (Frankincense) Oil, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Oil, Citric Acid, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate. Citronellol*, Geraniol*, Limonene*, Linalool*. 
*from natural essential oils.

Product claim : Gentle milk cleanser that dissolves pore clogging impurities without drying your skin. Targets and balances combination to oily skin. 

What Dewi Says : ““I need something super strong!” is a common misconception people with oily skin-types have. The fact is, using harsh products will over-strip the skin of its natural oil and damage the protective barrier, immediately triggering a compensation for the dehydration with excess oil production, which just end up clogging your pores. To stop this vicious cycle, the Hazelnut Cleansing Milk works like a gentle giant, combatting oily-skin issues effectively whilst nurturing and repairing the damaged mantle. Say hello to the brand new, beautiful and normalized skin you never thought you’d have!” 

The product formulated to : first step to restore acne-free skin, this product purifies clogged pores of impurities, wash away pollution and dirt, blemishes, while maintaining a creamy, nourishing, non drying formula. This product also rich in oils - jojoba, hazelnut, castor - and combined with a bacteria killing ingredients to recondition your damage skin. Hazel helps to shrink the appearance of pores, then it’ll give you your best looking skin!

What I feel : 
Packaging - this 50gr size is totally perfect for me. I travel a lot here and there, from one to another office, from event to event, which makes me need to cleanse my face in the mid of day and this helps a lot! Especially when this product only needs water to rinse off, it gives fresh sensation to my face. This also become one of my must-bring product inside my pouch. As for home usage, I prefer the 150ml size. And I love how good the tube covers, it doesn’t even spill a drop when I put it inside my bag. 
Scent - I love this natural ingredients scent, where reminds me of Indonesian spices. This also gives me some kind of relaxing effect, and made me have a good “me time”. Especially at night before going to sleep, I love it!

The other product I used to control the sebum on my face is Temulawak Balancing Face Emulsion, still from Skin Dewi. 
Antemis Nobilis Flower Water, Hamamelis Virginiana Water, Glycerine, Aqua, Cetearyl Glucoside, Sorbitan Olivate, Coco-caprylate/caprate, Calophyllum Inophyllum (Tamanu) Seed Oil, Corylus Avellana (Hazel) Seed Oil, Oenothera Biennis (Evening Primrose) Oil, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, D-Alpha Tocopherol, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Benzyl Alcohol, Allantoin, Niacinamide, Scleroglucan, Bisabolol, Arginine, Curcuma Longa Root CO2 Extract, Curcuma Zanthorrhiza Root CO2 Extract, Epilobium fleischeri Extract,  Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Extract, Rosa Canina fruit CO2 Extract, Citric Acid, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate, Acacia Senegal Gum, Xanthan Gum, Glycine Soja Oil, Boswellia Carterii Oil, Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea) Leaf Extract , Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil, Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Leaf Oil, Pelargonium Graveolens Oil, Salix Alba (Willow) Bark Extract, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Oil, Salvia Sclarea Oil, Salicylic Acid, Sorbic Acid, Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaf Extract. *Citronellol, *limonene, *linalool, 
*from natural essential oil

Product claim : light weight emulsion moisturizer repairs and balances for smooth, clear, non greasy skin. Also normalize oily skin and reduce sebum production.

What Dewi Says :
“Most people with oily skin find traditional face creams to be too heavy and skip the moisturizing step altogether in their skincare routine. But without a moisturizer, the skin lacks much-needed nourishment and protection that actually balances the skin to be less oily. That’s why emulsions are great for people with combination or oily skin – they are light-weight in consistency and are usually water-based so they’re not greasy and can be absorbed quickly into the skin.”

The product formulated to :
What differs this from other oily/acne prone-targeted creams  is this multi level effectiveness. Crushing the image of dry, irritated skin that most anti-acne creams create, this soothing and nourishing emulsion proves that people with oily skin type can achieve blemish free skin that is also smooth, supple and blooms with health. Each ingredients are meant to restore a well-balanced, beautiful, flawless skin.

What I feel :
Packaging - this looks just like normal emulsion packaging, with clear plastic as the cover. You can read all the product detail on the bottle. 
scent - still with natural ingredients, this also has spices in its scent. This even reminds me of Indonesian traditional drink, jamu. It gives relaxing effect, just like the cleansing. I always love scents since it always makes me feel relax. 

The effect took a while tho, it took around 2-3 weeks to have a significant effect on my skin. But I love how good it works on my skin - this hazelnut cleansing milk did a good job on taking off all dirt and makeup on my face! Which is really good. Oh at first, I had few new acne (in the first 2 days) then I consulted again, they said the way I cleanse my face probably wrong. I didn’t realize that this cleansing milk needs water to rinse off, and after I fix the way I use this cleanser, everything runs smoothly. My face getting better and clean, the acne-blackheads-whiteheads starts to fade away, and it only leaves redness. 
I use the cleansing milk and emulsion both day and night. And if needed, I also cleanse my face in the middle of the day. You need to also remember that I use less makeup these days (to give some time for my skin to breath) and if I do wear makeup, let it be as simple as possible. Remember to cleanse the face well, like double cleansing. This helps a lot, to remove all the acne and black/white heads in only a month! 
As now my face is already clean, I still try to maintain this (don’t be too easy to be satisfied). I only wear makeup on weekends (when I go to events or I create photos/videos).
I wish this post can inspire all of you who have the same problem with me, treat your skin well, my darling! Should I create another journey (which about to start) on how to get rid of acne scars?

Anyway they're having skincare workshop, go visit their profile for detailed info!

Find out about skin Dewi at:

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

[EXPERIENCE] : Learn to Craft Batik with My Own Hands

2:20 PM
Hello gorgeous, welcome back! Fulfilling my thirst (and yours) about fashion, now I'm about to share my learning experience. Learning never ends, and you can always learn from everyone around you, right? Learning is not always for first timer, it can be your second or third time doing the same stuff, to increase your skill and knowledge. 

Now, I'm doing batik crafting activity at Sogan Batik, which actually I've ever done before. My grand father was an owner of a batik factory, but then closed down due to some problems. Ended up fulfilling my thirst at another batik factory and learned to create "batik tulis" with my own hands, right across my house. It was not easy at all, getting hot wax on my hands while focusing on drawing at the same time. But it was all worth it, since I'm all happy doing it. 

At sogan, I'm doing the same stuff. The difference is, when I'm crafting batik as a child I did it like from zero, picking the fabric and texture, drawing with pencil for the pattern with my own hands, and last drawing with the wax. As for now, I'm only drawing with the wax to make the path clear and not colored with the dye. It still feels super fun and exciting to be done. 

I visited Sogan after lunch time, and got a chance to took some photos first with my friends while some of us doing their afternoon prayer. We asked to sit onto the mini stove where they warmed up the wax to create pattern on the fabric. Since I'm a bit fat and it's kinda hard to sit onto such a small chair.... So I decided to sit just on the floor to make it easier and of course, more comfortable. We started off with sharing the newspaper as the base (to prevent getting hot wax on our hands, it hurts if you haven't done it before), and of course the drawn fabric. Me myself getting a simple design with flower pattern. FYI, we're creating a batik handkerchief, super cute, right? Without further do, I do the batik drawing right away. I miss that much of having hot wax onto my hands, and didn't even realized that I smiled during drawing with wax. 

After finished with drawing with wax, then we continue visiting the coloring station. It was the place where all of our batik fabric being dipped into colored-water to dye and then into hot water to get rid of the wax. The process of creating the color is pretty complex, I can say. The staff need to measure some kind of dyeing powder (yes you have to do some mix max just like laboratory man to get the exact color that you want) and strangely the powder color is not the color we want to. What I mean is.... When we want the color to be blue and red the color used is not it, they're putting together some white and yellow powder then voila! You get the color. OK this is hard to be explained and to be absorbed so let's just consider that the point is they're using coloring powder. 

It took a while to boil the water and other preparation, after that they put our handkerchief into the water. Since it was too hot inside I decided to sit with mommy inside my car #LOL spoiled baby. Then we continue visiting the shop of Sogan Batik where you can see clothes and fabric handmade by them. Meanwhile, we're waiting for the fabric to be dry under the sun #summerdetected. Well, from the shop price, I can say this is pretty affordable for handcrafted batik. As they're pricing around IDR 300.000 for a piece of batik. For you who love batik you might want to buy some, for your own collection or as a gift to your loved ones. I'm comparing the price to shops in Jakarta. The quality still needs to be improved (on sewing quality, they need some kind of deeper training about this) but overall if you'll just wear this onto a daily life then it's okay. Sorry for being sensitive but as a fashionpreneur and batik addict, well that's what I can say. 

That's all for my fun and exciting experience for learning batik crafting for the day at Sogan Batik Yogyakarta, thanks for reading this article and shared the fun with me! I'll see you girls on my next posts! 

Saturday, April 7, 2018


12:00 AM
Hello gorgeous! It's been a while since the original event was held but still, I wanna share with you. Been holding too much to spread the word, now finally I have the chance to write about this. Well first, welcome to my blog for the first-timer reader, and welcome back if you already visited this blog before. As you girls (or guys) already know, I am a beauty influencer and I love to share through social media, of course about good beauty stuff. Few months ago, Female Daily Network and The Body Shop Indonesia held an audition for the first program by TBS worldwide ; TBSBEAUTYBAE which was meant to train Indonesian beauty influencer, to be a good influencer. It's not an easy job, as everything we say will be read by others and might affect their thoughts too.

I decided to signed myself up for the program, nothing to loose. I'm feeling like it's okay to explore and learn more, if they choose me. If they didn't choose me, then I might ended up learn somewhere else or next time. Luckily, they called me in to have a "casting" and why not? They asked me to come to FD's office (at Pejaten) and all we did there was pretty fun! It was more like an interview with Kak Affi (FD) and Kak Maya (TBS), talk about the contents I shared and the reason behind becoming a beauty blogger. There are some other information that I wanted to share (but didn't brave enough to share lol, too much hesitation). They said to wait until they call and tell if I pass or not. Well, passing by the days I'm not feeling nervous at all, just feel like "Can't wait to see who's passing the test since there was some of my friends were doing the casting too! Well, Kak Runni surely surprised me with a call at noon telling me that I made it, omg I wanna scream right away! This was like a great present from God, another new milestone where they gave me such a great opportunity. Seriously, you'll always need to do your best so God can do the rest, girls. This might sound "not applicable" but try to apply it onto your life, then you'll know. 

OK enough with too much opening, move on to the camp. Oh by the way, before the camp they gave all the contestants an invitation (for the camp) and also a welcome gift (one set of moringa - one of my favorite hand cream and its friends!) The camp was held from Friday 16th to Saturday 17th March 2018, at Villa Aman D'Sini. Let me tell you - the location itself already excites me! And yes - I get a day off from office to join the camp (cause why not? ;p) and we came in the morning, have a good ride and get to introduce one another. When we arrived, they surprised us again (ok this post will be full of surprise), with a great view and products displayed everywhere (even they also put the root of strength which was launched a day before the camp), and of course warm welcoming from all FDN Crew and The Body Shop Indonesia Crew. 

You can see how Rima enjoyed the skin care routine on her ;p

There was a lot of stuff we learned at the camp - from skin care steps (and how to choose the right skincare for your skin), skin check (to know what's your skin condition), pajamas party, how to be a good influencer, what is animal test and how bad it is, and of course make up class! Not only concerning about skincare and beauty, we also learned to care about our health through a morning yoga, well it was my first time doing yoga and it made me realize that it was fun! Especially when it's done with your friends, at a beautiful place. 

When we enter the bed room at afternoon (before shower), it shocked me with a lot of stuff prepared and of course with customized names on the card, on our bed. This is super sweet, even Ashilla said it made her feels like Abel Cantika wkwk. They gave us literally everything we need - bathing, body care, make up, bags, t-shirt. And we love it! (well if you could see us screaming in front of our beds). 

The night we had dinner, again and again they surprises me since it made me feel like being proposed lol (haven't feel it yet but I guess it will feel like that) since they set the place beautifully and it looks super romantic (I love romantic things), with all of us dressed up in white. Not only having fun at dinner at the pool side, we also have pajamas party (and again they decorate the bed room really well with lots of products), where we get to try the masks and multi masking! Super fun, right? We also have some challenge and games, as they paired us up (I was with Mia) to have a group presentation and guess the word games. Zhenbang!

Thanks to The Body Shop Indonesia and Female Daily Network for this beauty camp (and for choosing me as one of TBSBEAUTYBAE 2018) and hope to see you girls on my next post! 
P.S : If you wanna see the fun at beauty camp and bonus unboxing of the products, watch my video : 

Also, if you have concern about animal testing, you may sign the forever against animal testing petition online through the body shop website or offline at their stores. 

Thursday, April 5, 2018

[REVIEW] : Kulit Halus dan Ternutrisi dengan Susu Kambing Seharga IDR 65.000

10:11 PM
Hello gorgeous! Sudah lama rasanya sejak terakhir kali menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia, rasanya aneh juga hehe. By the way, kali ini aku akan bahas manfaat susu kambing untuk kulit. Ada tiga produk yang mau aku bahas disini, yaitu body scrub, shower gel, dan body lotion yang ketiganya berbahan dasar susu kambing! Dari dulu, susu kambing memang sudah terkenal bagus terutama untuk scrub dan mandi susu, yang konon kaanya bisa menutrisi kulit. Penasaran nggak sama produk ini? FYI, ini juga pertama kali aku mencoba produk laurent dan produk berbahan susu kambing, so let's jump right in!

Laurent Body Scrub
Claim : Lulur mandi dengan butiran scrub yang halus untuk membantu mengangkat kotoran dan sel kulit mati. Diperkaya dengan ekstrak susu kambing, allantoin, polyquaternium-4 dan sodium PCA untuk membantu merawat dan menutrisi kulit agar selalu terjaga kesehatan dan kelembutannya. Diformulasikan secara khusus dengan emollient dan moisturizer untuk memberikan kelembaban pada kulit.
Price : 29.900
Size : 250 gr
Ingredients : Aqua, Stearic Acid, Polyethylene, Paraffinum Liquidum, Myristic Acid, Polyquaternium-4, Sodium PCA, Dimethicone, Glycerin, Caprylic Alcohol, Cetyl Alcohol, Fragrance, Panthenol, Sorbitan Olivate, PEG Distearate, Glyceryl Stearate, Triethanolamine, Allantoin, Goat milk extract, Propylene Glycol, Ceteareth-20, Ceteareth-12, Cetearyl Alcohol, Cetyl Palmitate, Carbomer, BHT, Methylisothiazolinone, lodopropynyl Butylcarbamate.

Cara pakai : Sebelum mandi, basahi tubuh lalu gosokkan laurent body scrub goat milk, setelah rata biarkan sejenak lalu bilas dengan air bersih.

Aku sendiri pakai ini maksimal seminggu dua kali, dan dipakai sebelum mandi. Enaknya dipakai saat sauna, bisa sekalian gosok daki dan menghilangkan kotoran membandel di kulit (saat pori-pori terbuka jadi mudah diangkat) atau kalau dirumah, bisa di kamar mandi sebelum mandi. Cukup simpel, dengan membasahkan kulit dan menikmati menggosok tubuh dengan scrub yang bisa dibilang dalam ukuran dan tingkat kekasaran yang tepat. Tidak terlalu kasar, tapi juga tidak terlalu lembut. Tepat untuk digunakan membuang kotoran dan sel kulit mati sebagai rutinitas mingguan.
Saat dibilas perlu sambil digosok sedikit, karena kalau hanya disiram air scrubnya masih banyak yang menempel. Berhubung ada kandungan alkohol, buat kamu yang alergi atau sensitif terhadap alkohol sebaiknya dicoba pada sebagian kulit dulu atau mungkin bisa memikirkan cara terbaik jika tetap ingin mencoba produk ini. Sayangnya dari sisi packaging yang model dicelup untuk mengambil produk, membuat isi botol cepat kotor karena saat mengambil produk tanganku biasanya sudah basah.

Rate : 4/5
Recommend : Maybe (karena harganya yang bisa dibilang cukup terjangkau untuk size 250gr ya dengan kemampuan membersihkan yang bagus)

Laurent Shower Gel
Claim : Sabun mandi cair dengan busa yang lembut dan berlimpah. Diformulasikan dengan ekstrak susu kambing yang kaya nutrisi untuk membantu menjaga kelembaban dan kehalusan kulit. Dengan wangi yang mewah dan segar, menjadikan saat mandi dan sesudah mandi adalah saat yang menyegarkan dan menyenangkan.
Price : 21.900
Size : 250 ml
Ingredients : Aqua, Disodium Cocoyl Glutamate, Cocamide DEA, Lauryl Glucosyde, Goat's Milk Powder, Sodium Chloride, Fragrance, Citric Acid, Styrene, Acrylates Cocopolymer, Propylene Glycol, Tetrasodium EDTA, Methylchlorothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone.

Cara pakai : Tuangkan secukupnya ke spon mandi atau telapak tangan, usapkan ke seluruh tubuh yang telah dibasahi. Bilas sampai bersih.

Berdasarkan pengalaman pemakaian ku beberapa kali, ini memang gampang banget untuk dibikin busa. Super lembut juga rasanya, FYI aku pakai gosokan mandi (yang bentuknya kayak net gitu terus bulet kayak bunga wkwk sulit dideskripsikan) jadi busanya memang berlimpah ya. Setelah digosok dengan itu, memang jadi terasa lembut kulitku. Ditambah lagi dipakai setelah scrub, lengkap sudah. Aku juga coba tanpa menggunakan foaming net, tapi hasilnya jauh lebih enak dan lebih lembut kalau pakai foaming net. Dari ketiga produk menurutku ini yang packagingnya paling rapih dan masuk akal.

Rate : 4/5

Laurent Silkening Body Lotion
Claim : Lotion mewah bertekstur ringan dan tidak lengket yang diformulasikan dengan sunscreen untuk melindungi kulit dari radiasi UV matahari. Ditambah dengan ekstrak goat milk dan silk hydrolyzed untuk membantu tekstur kulit halus dan lembut. Mengandung moisturizer untuk menjaga kelembaban alami kulit. Dan diperkaya dengan vitamin B3 untuk membantu kecerahan kulit. Pemakaian yang rutin akan merawat kulit indah nan menawan dengan sensasi segar menyenangkan.
Price : 10.900
Size : 100ml
Ingredients : Aqua, paraffinum liquidum, niacinamide, c12-15 alkyl benzoate, butylene glycol, trimethylglycine, glyceryl stearate SE, polysorbate 60, ethylexyl methoxynnamate, polylmide-1, benzophenone-3, glycerin, fragrance, sodium accrylates copolymer, butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane, sodium PCA, hydrogenerated polydecene, carbomer, triethanolamine, goat milk extract, hydrolyzed silk, PPG-1 trideceth-6, methylisothiazolinone.

Cara pakai : Ulaskan lotion secara merata pada seluruh permukaan kulit tangan, kaki, dan tubuh. Gunakan setiap kali sehabis mandi dan saat kulit terasa kering.

Hampir sama dengan kedua produk sebelumnya, ini memberikan efek segera yang cukup signifikan, yakni menghaluskan. Menyerap dengan baik ke kulit. Hanya saja yang aku kurang suka dari packagingnya, dimana tutupnya mudah dol (atau setidaknya begitulah yang kupunya) jadi agak riskan untuk tumpah.

Rate : 3.5/5

FYI aku mencoba ketiga rangkaian ini sekaligus, sehingga efeknya jadi lebih maksimal. Hanya saja, jika ingin efek yang sangat maksimal dan permanen mungkin harus dicoba secara rutin dengan waktu yang cukup lumayan, karena aku coba selingi dengan bath and body care ku yang biasanya, kondisi kulit juga berubah jadi seperti biasa kembali.

Untuk aroma, ketiganya memiliki aroma yang sama (mungkin karena menggunakan bahan dasar yang kurang lebih sama). Aromanya mengingatkan pada nenek ocok ku, yang hanya ada dalam ingatan masa kecilku. Entah tapi aroma ini memberi rasa rileks dan sangat tenang, sehingga aku senang sekali menggunakan produk ini untuk mandi sore supaya saat tidur lebih rileks dan nyenyak. Bagi kalian yang juga suka aroma seorang nenek, ini mungkin akan jadi produk favorit kalian. Jika ini sudah menjadi produk kalian, akan lebih ekonomis membeli ukuran besarnya yang siap menghiasi kamar mandi kamu!

Terimakasih sudah membaca perawatan kulit dengan susu kambing bersama Jenntan, dan aku harap kamu balik lagi untuk read-date di artikel berikutnya!